Sorrel Soup


Sorrel Soup

2-3 Cups Sorrel
24 oz bag Baby Gold Potatoes or 3-4 large potatoes
3-4 T Butter
1 Onion
5-6 Cloves Garlic
1-2 T Anchovy Paste
Several Sprigs of Fresh Thyme
A Spring of Fresh Hyssop (optional)
1 Piece of Parmesan Rind
5-6 Cups Water
Salt and Pepper, to taste
Sour Cream

Finely mince onion and garlic by hand or in a food processor. Add to a pot with butter and anchovy paste, and cook over medium heat for a several minutes. Season lightly with a sprinkle of salt.

Add chopped potatoes to the pot and cook for several more minutes before covering with water.

After covering potatoes with water, add parmesan rind and springs of herbs tied together with a little kitchen twine. Add a little more salt, then taste the water to check salt level. Add a bit more salt, if needed, to your taste. Then, add a good bit of cracked pepper (and a pinch of cayenne, if you want a touch of heat.)

Once the potatoes are cooked, soft and easily crushed with the back of a wooden spoon, remove the herb bundle. Continue by crushing about half the potatoes for the sake of texture. Turn off the heat, then add chopped sorrel.

In a separate pot, poach eggs. Serve an egg atop each bowl of soup. Garnish with grated parmesan, olive oil, more cracked pepper, and a dollop of sour cream.

Danielle Van Noy